Welcome to my blog!
Grief Mansion is a powerful, emotional place to live. No one would choose this residence. Mystery abounds at every dark corner. Sorrow is in the water. But, it is a safe place to cry, to release some of the deep pain you feel. Life hurts. In the end, I hope you find your journey to have healed more than harmed. May you discover new strength as you travel through your own maze of grief.
I will post stories, quotes, links, and questions designed to assist you on the way.
Need a good cry? Listen: "To Where You Are" by Josh Groban
Hi Sally
I remember you describing this mansion back in Oct. 2003 at the Sapps. great to see you publishing this here. I am going to try sending the link to a HighSchool friend who lost her husband in the same way about the same time as you. By the way did you take the picture of this mansion? I think it is a mansion/farm we visited in Richmond, Va this May.
Looks great, Sally! Keep up the good work, and though I know it's about grief, have fun with it. . . .
Hey Sally;
This looks great! It makes me think of a grief support group online. What a great way to communicate such a difficult subject.
Thanks friends for your kind comments.
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